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Plaats een opmerking bij station Winsum

Op de pagina kunt u een opmerking of herinnering insturen aan station Winsum die wordt toegevoegd aan de pagina.

Oorspronkelijke reactie:
Grace Lee (8 jun 2008)
I do think that they should not have broken all the station down. Winsum was a beautiful station, judging by the photographs. There is no comparison from when the station was as it was in this photograph (13) to the example in photograph (1). They have done this also to a lot of stations in Friesland a great shame and pity, they should have kept the old ones much more character, makes traveling much nicer and more enjoyable like when you arrive at Groningen main station it is a very beautiful old station and makes the trip that much more worth while.
reactie webmaster: sure, that's why i started my website in the first place. because so many beatiful old railway stations had been torn down. this site hopes to keep the remembrance alive.

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N.B. Voor diegenen onder jullie die niet zo'n ster in rekenen zijn: het antwoord is dus 2.

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